Monday, November 17, 2008


I hate children
despise their innocent ignorance
the simplicity of every look
of not having to know
it's hard to watch
as they discover the
sound of their own voice
insistent on hearing it constantly
as if to be reassured
its one thing that can never
be taken from them

its hard to understand
how a simple look
is entertaining
i must have the face of a clown
or maybe they see something
i missed in the mirror
this morning
or hear a joke I haven't told yet

it's not fair
that they look me in the eyes
and cry
without understanding
and I just stand alone
unsure of what to do

I often wonder what it's like
to have no shame in my tears
I'm sure I knew at one time
where did I learn to build such a dam


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment, now I'm returning the favor.

I liked this poem, which is rare for me; I usually hate poems. It's most likely because you didn't rhyme (I hate rhymes).

I, too, share your burden of looking at children and envying their complete ignorance and innocence. They're a blank slate yet to be chiseled by the hand of cruel humanity.

Anonymous said...
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